History of the Muda
How, when and why the Muda is born
MuDA stands for Museo Diffuso Albisola. It was born in 2011 from Albissola Marina local governments' intention to equip this territory with a coordinated set of tools and museum like structures, in order to make the town accessible to its ancient traditional ceramics and its artistic and touristic vocation, like a real open-space museum.
The vast and ample diffusion of sites and artwork, of national and international historical and artistic relevance, throughout Albissola Marina's territory, combined with a tight urban and environmental system, have enforced the concept of the widespread Museum formula.
In 2009, with the establishment of mayor Nicolo' Vicenzi's municipal council, and the joint entrustment of the counselors of tourism, culture and public works, this moment was seized as an opportunity, by the deputy mayor Gianluca Nasuti, to try to concretize the idea of a diffused museum, that had been proposed, several times in the past, for the town of Albissola Marina.
In spring 2010, the deputy mayor Nasuti, supported by the Mayor Vicenzi and the municipal council, addressed the chair of History of Contemporary Art of the University of Genoa, at that time Franco Sborgi, Art tenure professor.Their request regarded a project that will implement the Diffuse Museum of AlbissolaMarina.
The three year plan project, signed by Sborgi and his assistant Luca Bochicchio, was approved unanimously by the city council at the end of 2010. It became operational on january 2011.
Since its beginnings , the project has received the scientific and institutional support from the Liguria Region, and the Superintendence offices of Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological assets, and the Architectural and Landscaped assets. As well as, financial support from the A. De Mari Foundation of Savona.
Phase 1 2011-2013
- Organization of the International Day of Studies on the Conservation of Contemporary Ceramics outdoors (awarded by the Presidency of the Republic)
- Non-invasive diagnostics with XRF gun upon the War Memorial by Leoncillo Leonardi, curated by the university spin-off Consolidarte srl
- Classification of the municipal artistic heritage with Liguria Region's ICB computer system.
- Inventory of private ceramic ornaments exposed outdoors in public places.
- Definition of the museum's graphic and logo.
- Identification of private locations participating in the Muda project, and definition of museum paths across the town's urban area.
- Study and definition of the most suitable multimedia tools to be used on the diffused museum across the territory
- Research activity about the Artists' Promenade
- Specific research activity to set up Asger Jorn House Museum
- Testing of materials and technologies to restore the sculpture Tuberie by Antonio Siri, curated by Siltea srl
Phase 2 2014-2018
From 2014 to 2018, the project's second phase, was initiated as part of a framework agreement between Albissola Marina's City Hall, and DIRAAS University of Genoa,which also involved the establishment of a scientific committee composed by Antonio Sgamellotti (Accademia dei Lincei -Inorganic Chemistry emeritus senior professor, University of Perugia), Enrico Crispolti (History of Contemporary Art emeritus senior professor , University of Siena), Alberto Beniscelli ( Italian Literature professor, University of Genoa), Lauro Magnani ( History of Modern Art professor , University of Genoa), Leo Lecci and Paola Valenti (researchers of History of Contemporary Art, University of Genoa), Federico Zanoner (900's archives curator, MART, Rovereto), Luca Bochiccho ( PhD University of Genoa, project's curator).
Actions taken in the second phase of the project
Renovation and rearrengement of the Exhibition Centre (former civic gallery).
Setting up and opening to the public of Jorn's House Musem
Alba Docilia furnace set up
Creation of the first MuDA website
Lay out of an urban signalling system, in order to enjoy all the cultural assets and the geolocated paths throughout the territory
Creation of a management experimental system among the three public sites of MuDA: Exhibition Center, Jorn's House Museum, Alba Docilia's Furnace
Launching of the publishing series Muda Books, in collaboration with Vanilla editors
Historical and critical study of the War Memorial
Implementation of institutional monographic exhibitions across the different Muda locations, dedicated to the protagonists of the recent artistic history of Albisola ( Asger Jorn, Elseo Salino, Mario Rossello, Lucio Fontana).
Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance work upon the outdoor art work, giving particular attention to those located on the promenade.