Asger Jorn’s house museum
The most incredible and amazing experience of a natural and architectural environment created by the free imagination of one of the most important artists of the 900’s : Asger Jorn.

Exhibition Center
Modern and Contemporary Civic Art Gallery
Tourist information
Reading Hall and book loan
Conferences, workshops and screenings

Alba Docilia Furnace
Ceramic furnace from XVII-XIX century
Modern and Contemporary Ceramic Art Civic Gallery
Conferences, workshops and screenings.

The Artists’ Promenade
An incredible urban artwork since August 10, 1963: one kilometer mosaic paved boardwalk designed by twenty national and international artists.

Other private locations
All the art private locations in Albissola: Foundations, private homes, artisanal workshops, Cultural centers and Art hotels.

Aids for your visit
Signs, maps, floor plans.
Access to all the tools that will be useful for your visit